[dokuwiki] Re: FCKW 0.4 not working

  • From: James <jvl-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2008 17:36:44 -0800

On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 05:23:43 -0800, Jean-Claude Rosenthal <jc.rosenthal@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Am 02.02.2008, 09:56 Uhr, schrieb Adam - <jr.citizen@xxxxxxxxx>:

4. When i look at the error log of the apache server, anytime I have
tried editing a page (with the plugin installed), I see:
"the command "html2wiki" was not written correctly or could not be located"

finally someone else has this problem as well.it looks exactly the same.
i'm kind of "glad" :-/

I haven't tried anything during weekend. But i still
assume, that there is only one tiny entry missing. a special path
in the dokuwiki setup to the perl binary s.th like that...

I turned on more robust error checking, having run into this issue before when PHP tries to execute command line programs in Windows. (I made sure to catch stderr messages in my output.)

While I, too, can run the html2wiki batch file fine from the Windows command line, PHP doesn't have the same success.

The first issue was that I am running PHP using FastCGI - since PHP is spawned as its own process, it doesn't share the PATH variable with regular command shells. This is the "html2wiki could not be located" symptom, I believe.

I fixed this by editing the FastCGI environment variables in my httpd.conf, which brought me one step closer.

Then the program output this message:

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. Dialect 'DokuWikiFCKW' could not be loaded (tried HTML::WikiConverter::DokuWikiFCKW DokuWikiFCKW). Error: Can't locate DokuWikiFCKW.pm in @INC (@INC contains: c:/strawberry/perl/lib c:/strawberry/perl/site/lib .) at (eval 5) line 1. BEGIN failed– compilation aborted at (eval 5) line 1. at c:/strawberry/perl/bin/html2wiki line 10

I moved the DokuWikiFCKW.pm module to one of the include directories (not the best solution, but I just wanted to see if I could get it wokring), and then hit this error message:

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. can't open file for reading: No such file or directory at c:/strawberry/perl/bin/html2wiki line 13

Which, until I have time to do more testing, is probably yet another Perl/Win32/PHP/FastCGI environment variable or setting not being present.
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