[directmusic] Re: Audiopath question

  • From: "Vytautas Leonavicius" <vytas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <directmusic@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 16:55:10 +0200

> Shared + Reverb use the same DirectSound buffers, so you can use as many
> of them as you like and not even bother with deactivating!

Why? These audiopaths will not be using CPU while active? Yes I know that 
they share same buffer, but buffer is just final stage, as I understand 
those audiopaths will continue sending messages.

So it looks like shared + reverb is best choice for non-3D audiopaths? Does 
it have some disadvantages in compare with Dynamic audiopath?

Thank you!


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