[delphizip] Convert ZIP to EXE then back to files again error

  • From: Alistair George <bigal@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: delphizip@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 08:50:42 +1300

Using the original demo it works so there is I suspect an error caused by me
when the SFX is getting the filenames off the stringgrid, as this is an area I
have changed. Will advise when I find out exactly what my it is.

Friday, November 15, 2002, 8:01:28 AM, you wrote:
AG> Hello Roger,

>>> Q..after I convert a zip archive to EXE (zipsfx) when I open the EXE in
RA>> Winxp I get error

RA>> Is the conversion done with the TZipSFX component from Markus or is the
RA>> built-in one
RA>> with TZipBuilder I did not have any problem but with the first tests on
RA>> stubs from
RA>> TZipSFX I did found a problem that Markus has solved since then.
AG> Use as follows:
AG> begin
AG>       { Convert .ZIP to .EXE }
AG>       { NOTE: If you put the ZIPSFX.BIN file into the WINDOWS
AG>         or WINDOWS SYSTEM dir, then you don't need to set the
AG>         SFXPath property below: }
AG>       { ZipMaster1.SFXPath := 'c:\windows\system\zipsfx.bin'; }
AG>     MakeSFX.ShowModal;
AG>     if DoIt = False then
AG>       Exit;
AG>     ConvertErr := ZipMaster1.ConvertSFX;
AG>     if ConvertErr = 0 then
AG>       ShowMessage('Filename is now: ' + ZipMaster1.ZipFilename)
AG>     else
AG>       ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ConvertErr) + ' occured in making 
.EXE file');
AG>   end;

AG> Error occurs after using the made EXE.
AG> JPEG error attached thanks.
AG> Alistair+

AG> -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --
AG> -- Type: image/jpeg
AG> -- File: 2002111501.jpg

AG> -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --
AG> -- Type: image/jpeg
AG> -- File: 2002111502.jpg


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