[CTS] Re: GGI runs CGI

  • From: John Madden <weez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: computertalkshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 18:51:01 -0500

> The idea is to create a censor script that filters link page submissions
> (to get around the sneaky page spammers who won't get to the real script
> until they pass the censor). It does that, but since it uses the
> variables provided from a link page form, those variables become
> unavailable to the second script (drat!). I know they are filled in
> correctly.

Right - the problem is that those variables are passed to the first script 
using CGI - in other words, something like 

That's where "becoming a HTTP client" comes in.  If you really need to 
call the second script, I suggest you pass the args to the script as 
command line arguments:

system("/path/to/script2.pl", "arg1", "arg2"); 

and utilize them inside script2.pl as $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[1].  But please, 
please note: using system() can be *extremely* dangerous.  You're 
executing something at the shell here - security first.  If there's any 
other way of using the code in the second script (copy the code from it 
into the first, for example), I suggest you take that route.


# John Madden  weez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ICQ: 2EB9EA
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