Faculty meeting "I'm up in arms!"

  • From: "Sharleen Santos-Bamba" <sjsantosbamba@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: comptesol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 22:39:42 +0000

I must share my disappointment with my initial division faculty meeting for
fall 2004.  The "Ph.D." bunch in my division (not all, just 3 or 4) really
got on my nerves the other day regarding comp. and assessment. 

According to them, they want to have an exit exam for Freshman Comp. (one
that is timed and will determine whether or not the student gets to go to
thenext level of Freshman comp).  They are so elitist!  I swear.  Get a
clue!  Writing is a process!  And a timed writing exam will not do justice! 
It hasn't gone through, but I know this subject will come up in committee

Any advice?  Give me ammunition to fight the Ivory Tower!  Chris, I'm sure
you have an idea of who I am talking about.  If not, they are the husband
andwife team, and my neighbor "Dr. It took me 8 years to finish my Ph.D." 

I often feel like the tenured faculty do not value the work that we
non-bearing Ph.D.s do for this division and the University.  Let me tell
you,I can't wait to get this damn Ph.D. so I can have more clout in this
place.  This really motivates me even more to finish this dissertation.  

Bring on the advice, point me to experts!  

I miss you all already.  Hope you all are doing well and readjusting to your
regular lives. 

Hey, those who were in Hayward's class session 1, did you get your grade?  I
logged on to URSA and I didn't see my grade.  I got an * for a grade.  All
myother course grades were there.  Hmmm.  Anyone know anything about that? 

Take care.  Miss you all.  Sharleen

Sharleen Santos-Bamba[IMG]

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