
  • From: "David Robershaw" <drobe013@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: citw150@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 21:07:30 -0400

Hello Fellow Classmates,

Two newletters I subscribed to:
E Weigh Loss Tips http://www.eweightlosstips.com 
Nutrition and Exercise Health Tips 

I found these newsletters from Ezinelocater 

E Weight Loss Tips newsletter arrived on Sunday 
Nutrition and Exercise Health Tips 
newsletter arrived on Friday

I didn't like the weight loss tips because it said the 
newletter arrived once a week. It has been arriving twice 
a day with the same information. The newletter wasn't very 
helpful and the idea's they gave were not helpful to 
me. They said you to needed to exercise everyday, I feel 
this is wrong because you should excersise three time's a 
week so you muscles can't have a break in between days.

The best newsletter was the Nutrition and Exercise Health 
Tips because it had lots of receipes and exact details on 
how to perform certain exercise's. I found that useful and 
helpful. Also, it had a one month diet for each day for 
the week including on what to eat for each meal. I have 
lost 2 pound this week from their nutrition tips.

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