<CT> Re: Our Rights.

  • From: "Martin B. Brilliant" <marty@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 20:30:25 -0400

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001 14:45:04 -0500 Alan Grimes <alangrimes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> ... I think we should begin considering a
> legal action that will seek to reveal the technical specifications to
> wich our windows software was written so that we may maintain
> alternative versions should we so choose....

As always in computing, you'll get what you asked for, not what you 
wanted (YGWYAFNWYW). What guarantees that Windows 3.1 as delivered 
actually met its specifications? Software has bugs, and bugs that are 
not corrected become undocumented features.

That means that building a clone to the Windows 3.1 specifications 
does not necessarily mean that you have built something that actually 
works the same as Windows 3.1.

I never worked for Microsoft, but I worked for AT&T (Bell Labs, 
before trivestiture). What I learned there is that nobody knew how 
the whole system worked, and it wasn't all documented. Anything added 
to the system had to be fitted by trial and error. I would expect the 
same to be true of Windows.

Martin B. Brilliant at home in Holmdel, NJ
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