[brailleblaster] Saving documents and a error after building

  • From: Keith Creasy <kcreasy@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 3 May 2012 09:45:29 -0400

John, first I'm dealing with the problem of how to save changes as I know you 
are and here is the approach I plan to use. I think we are going to try just 
keeping a map by ID of elements that have been changed. Then, when saving, we 
are actually going to read the original document using a SAX parser but when we 
hit an element that is changed we'll write out the changed element rather than 
the original one. This is all done in a temporary file. We'll use temp files 
anyway because I want to work with the NIMAS archive directly without the user 
having to unpack it.

Secondly, I got LibLouis and LibLouisUTDML to build but when I run Braille 
Blaster I get a "major/minor revision conflict". I think the version it sites 
is 50.1 but I could be mistaken.



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