[brailleblaster] Re: Repositories

  • From: Michael Whapples <mwhapples@xxxxxxx>
  • To: brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 08:35:27 +0100

Taking a new clone is a perfectly valid route, I was providing the details of how to use push/pull with the new repositories and to change the default path for those who might want to keep using an existing copy (either so they need not set up the build environment again, or if they had changes they had not pushed).

Michael Whapples
On 19/09/2013 01:48, John J. Boyer wrote:
To all,

These changes were decided upon by the steering committee, since there
is very little in the old version that is needed now.

Michael may disagree, but personally I am just going to get a new clone
of the brailleblaster repository.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 11:56:57PM +0100, Michael Whapples wrote:
You will have seen two commit messages recently. These relate to me
switching what is the default repository.

* brailleblaster.newdesign has been copied to the default repository.
* The original default repository has been copied to brailleblaster.old.

So if you wish to use the old version of BrailleBlaster (not
recommended) use the repository at

If you want to use the newer version then use the repository at

For those who have existing clones on their system you may push or pull
by specifying the appropriate URL, eg. if pulling the new code then
please use:
hg pull http://code.google.com/p/brailleblaster
Similar when pushing:
hg push https://code.google.com/p/brailleblaster

You need not create a new clone to not need to type these URLs, but you
will need to edit a configuration file. Here is how to change your clone
of brailleblaster.newdesign to commit to the default repository:
* In your clone open the file: .hg/hgrc in a text editor (notepad will do).
* The configuration file is in the .ini type format. Fine the paths
section, it should be a line with just [paths] on it.
* In the [paths] section you should find a line beginning with default =
* Change the URL on the default line to reflect the default repository URL:
default = https://code.google.com/p/brailleblaster
NOTE: you can add your username in the URL so you need not give it:
default = https://<username>@code.google.com/p/brailleblaster
where <username> is your google username.

I plan to remove the newdesign repository soon so that there cannot be
accidental use of the wrong repository.

Michael Whapples

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