[brailleblaster] Re: Java question: Extracting an integer from a String

  • From: "Michael Whapples" <mwhapples@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 11:26:50 -0000

I think the answer is in the Integer class. Here is the java documentation for Integer http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/lang/Integer.html

Look at:
public static int parseInt(String s)
public static Integer valueOf(String s)

The first will give you an int, the primitive type where as the second gives you an Integer object, you may want to look into the differences and how Java handles them including its autoboxing. This is one thing Scala gets away from, they believe the use of primitives is incorrect for a true OO language.

Also there are variations of these methods where you can give a radix, however for decimal integers the ones I gave are fine as they use a radix of 10.

You probably will need to manually loop through the array of strings though, I don't think there is a standard Java method for converting an array of String into an array of ints.

Michael Whapples

-----Original Message----- From: John J. Boyer
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 10:50 AM
To: brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [brailleblaster] Java question: Extracting an integer from a String

In integrating UTDML with BrailleBlaster I have to deal with the index
attribute of the <brl tg. It contains a list of positions expressed as
decimal numbers separated by spaces. The split method of the String
class converts this into an array of String objects, each containing one
of these numbers. The next step is to convert this array into an array
of int. However, I can't find a method that takes a String and returns
the integer that it contains either in the String or Integer classes.
Where might it be?


John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer
Abilitiessoft, Inc.
Madison, Wisconsin USA
Developing software for people with disabilities

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