[bookshare-discuss] Re: OT: Getting sucked dry for assistive technology and u...

  • From: Rogerbailey81@xxxxxxx
  • To: bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 19:50:14 EDT

Have they really come down that much? I remember when I first heard of 
Dragon Naturally Speaking it was in about 1989 or not too long after that and I 
said to myself that I wish I could afford that. The price was considerably 
more than any amount of money I had ever had together at one time. Even 
though I wished I had one at that time I really did not need it and still don't 
so I never looked into it again. Now I understand that it works a whole lot 
better than it did then and, apparently, the price is down to something I 
might be able to swing. Alas, I still don't need it and I am quite used to 
typing. I don't think I will be in any rush to go out and get it. By the way, I 
was watching the evening news a little while ago and there was a commercial 
for a car with a navigation system with voice recognition. The driver was 
having what amounted to a conversation with his car. There was certainly not 
anything like that available when I was driving and I still have never ridden 
 as a passenger in a car that could do that. The first thing that popped 
into my mind as I was listening to the commercial was Star Trek.

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[bookshare-discuss] OT: Getting sucked dry for assistive technology and 
upgrades (was Re: Re: Daily new book lists are now on web)   
10/8/2009 4:56:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time  
Sent from the Internet 
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Traci (and all), this is one of my hot buttons, too.  When I 
first became disabled and couldn't use a keyboard, the price of 
products that allowed me to use voice commands to control a 
computer were $25,000.  Upgrades?  Thousands and thousands each time.

When it became 'popular' to use voice-driven systems in offices 
for workers with carpal tunnel, lo and behold suddenly the same 
software products tumbled and tumbled in price--they're now under 

Yes, they have a bigger market.  But from tens of thousands to 
$200? I appreciate the drop, but who are they kidding?  How about 
all those disabled folks who put out $25,000 plus tens of 
thousands more on upgrades - did they get refunds?  I think not.

I see this kind of exploitation going on all the time in 
assistive devices of all ilk for the blind and disabled, and it 
really ticks me off. I understand the costs of engineering and 
software development -- my husband was a chip designer originally 
and I headed up an IT unit in a huge company.  What I see going 
on isn't, in my opinion at least, passing along development costs 
to the consumer.  It's bilking us, because we're a captive 
market, for providing something that tries to help us help 
ourselves to do everyday tasks that allows us to be 
self-sufficient and are part of every-day life and ordinary for 
everyone else.

Yep.  Hot button for me! smile.

Judy s.

Traci Evans wrote:
> You are saying what I and a few of my friends have been screaming for 
> years. Now these products are geared to make our lives easier.  I can't 
> think of the word I wanted to say so I settled for easier.  When I had 
> an active rehab case, my counsellor told me that gone are the days when 
> obtaining an authorization for a computer could be considered 
> frivolous.  He said that all blind patrons needed a computer to be self 
> sufficient and manage their daily lives.
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