[bookshare-discuss] Re: Dividing brf files

  • From: Kellie Hartmann <kellhart@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 19:31:15 -0500 (EST)

Hi Stu,
Many people with these portable devices have flash card readers and they work 
very well.  However, there is one problem they can't solve.  When you're 
working with a file it is being held in the memory of the device itself, not on 
the card.  Some devices have problems with large files, and the only way to 
deal with that would be to split the file.  For example, my Braille Note can't 
open Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" trilogy, so if I want to read that on the BN 
I'll have to split up the fiel.  But for issues of transferring files the 
flashcard reader is a very good solution.

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