[bookshare-discuss] Re: Craig Shaw Gardner submissions

  • From: Cindy <popularplace@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 17:21:51 -0700 (PDT)

Boomer, I would definitely say yes. Some people might
prefer to read the books one at a time, while others
might like to have them all in one volume. The Dark is
Rising series of 5 books is available in both forms,
i.e., individual books and all in one.

As a visual reader, I prefer reading individual books
rather than all-in-one volumes, in part because
they're easier to carry around, but also because I
want so mental space between reading the books, even
if it's just a day or two. 

Whether the amount of space a bookshare file takes up
is a consideration  I wouldn't know.


> is do we want the individual books available when
> you can download the entire trilogy already in one
> big book?  If yes, I'll submit "A Multitude of
> Monsters."  If not, those who are empowered to do so
> may want to purge a coupl
>  e entries just to avoid confusion..  Thanks for any
> and all help.

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