[blind-democracy] Helpful Primmer on 13 military terms

  • From: "Martian.Lady" <martian.lady@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 00:55:58 -0600

It is important info. I've got a copy for reference purposes, especially since
3 of the kids (now adults) who used to stay all night and eat here regularly
enlisted/signed up last year, and deployed after graduation. sigh


A Helpful Primer on 13 Military Terms
Journos and pols may not understand them, but now you do.


At this point I refuse to join the cacophony. It is too soon after the attacks
in Paris this past Friday. Instead, I offer this basic primer on military terms
to help decipher what you read, hear, and see in the news. The pundits, the
newsheads, and all of the associated bloviating masses are throwing out a lot
of words. Consider this a dictionary you can use when evaluating what you hear
on the news.

Terminology matters. When a newsman says something like, "The US is sending
squads," but what he really mean is "squadrons," he's off by several thousand
people. The terms that follow apply to ground forces, mostly. Maybe later we
will get into the air and the sea. But for now, political figures and
broadcasters and reporters are throwing out numbers, so we ought to understand
their basis, even if they do not.

Anywhere from seven to14 enlisted men and women. Usually refers to a ground
unit. Always a part of a larger organization. It is led by a "sergeant" (there
are various grades of those, but we need not worry about that now) who has
several years of experience.

Three to five "squads", led by a college graduate, a lieutenant, between 22 and
25 years old. Thankfully, he has an older sergeant as his partner who usually
keeps him from screwing up too badly. Depending upon the Service, and the type
of unit, this is 20 to 50 men and women.

Led by a "Captain" with four to nine years of service as an officer, this is
three to five platoons. He too has a senior sergeant, known as the "First
Sergeant," who coaches the young officer. In combat units this is usually 124
to 300 men and women.

This is three to five companies. A "cavalry" unit of this same level may be
referred to as a "Squadron." This size of unit ranges from 700 to 1200 men and
women. It is commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel with anywhere from 17 to 23
years of commissioned service. Do not confuse "squad" with "squadron." Side
note: In air units, this has an entirely different definition. But we can deal
with that later.

A complex term, historically speaking. The simple answer is that this is a
force of anywhere from 3,000 to 6,000 men and women. The commander is an "O6"
(Officer grade #6), a full Colonel. Again, the same ratio applies: Several
battalions combined together under a single commander.

There are higher levels, Division, Corps, etc, but we don't need to address
those now.

Types of units can also confuse. If you understand the terminology that defines
our highly trained specialist forces, you can quickly discern which politicians
and journalists have at least an idea of what they are talking about (or who
have advisors who do), and those who have absolutely no clue. Here is the cheap
and easy list of terms:

Special Operations Forces, a.k.a. "SOF"
This is actually a collective term referring to several different units, each
with distinctly different missions and capabilities. They are generally grouped
under this title because there is a unifying command that controls their
actions, known as Special Operations Command, based in Tampa, Florida. But when
a politician says something like, "We need to use 'SOF' to do X," that is like
an ESPN commentator saying, "We need to use the Eagles to play football." SOF
refers to all of the types of units below, and they, like snowflakes, are all

Special Forces (Army)
These are your "Green Berets." Generally speaking, they prefer to teach others
how to fight, though they have the ability to do small unit (three- to 12-man)
reconnaissance operations and targeted killing. Total size, a few thousand.
They operate in "Teams" of 12 men.

SEALS (Navy)
Pure commandos. They are as fast and violent as needed. There are only a few
hundred of them, including their support elements. Total size, several dozen.
They are limited to very specific targets like Osama Bin Laden.

Rangers (Army)
America's "shock troops." A U.S. Army Airborne Ranger battalion has 750 to 1000
troops (depending upon the mission). These are the most highly trained and
prepared combat troops in the world. We only have three battalions of them.
Need to take an airfield in some godforsaken land so that you can bring in
other, heavier forces? The Rangers are your shock troops of choice.

USAF ParaRescue
Small unit of the Air Force, explicitly designed to rescue downed pilots behind
enemy lines. A few dozen in strength.

Marine Recon
Only nominally in "SOF", this is the "go out and look" team for the Marine
Corps. Usually, however, they refuse to operate under "SOF" command and only
answer to the Marine Corps for training and combat preparation.

"Combat Troops"
Now we are getting into the haziest area for those unfamiliar with the
military. All forces are divided by their purpose as either "Combat," "Combat
Support," or "Combat Service Support." (We will get to "advisors" in a minute.)

Here is how you can think about it: Imagine you have a friend, 6' 4'', 240
pounds, and inclined to take things to a physical level when you are in a bar
and somebody steps out of line. That is your "combat arms."

You, on the other hand, are an enabler. You are "combat support." If it comes
to a fight, you're there, and you will be swinging. But you are only 5' 11'',
185 pounds, and you really see yourself as the guy who protects your buddy's
back (and passes him a beer when he is parched). You can fight, but that's not
your real role. You just make things possible.

Finally, there is your buddy who stands 5' 2''. He is essential. He bankrolls
you and knows where the hospital is, has a med kit for immediate purposes, and
he has the car. When a fight starts he heads for the car and brings it around
front, motor running. He is "Combat Service Support." When the big guy takes
one on the nose, you (Combat Support) are the one that gets him out of the
fight and blocks the door behind you. You drag his ass out to the car where
your partner (Combat Service Support) is ready to move him to care. Follow?

There is a lot more to it than that, but this suffices for now.

This is a special category. Advisors can be any one of the Combat three, and
their job is just as described: Their mission is not kicking ass, but teaching
others to do that, and to support and do combat service support. Unfortunately,
to do that they have to go out with their foreign mentees, and sometimes that
means that they get shot at too. To be clear, just because you are getting shot
at does not make you a "combat troop."

Politicians don't want to admit Americans are "in combat," and to do this they
twist themselves in linguistic knots by denying that "advisors" are "combat
troops." Grammatically, this is correct. Morally, it makes as much sense as
tits on a boar hog.

I can be reached at R_Bateman_LTC@xxxxxxxxxxx.


Posted by: ali redford <rredford112@xxxxxxxxx>

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