[bksvol-discuss] Re: This is good-bye sort of.

  • From: Rogerbailey81@xxxxxxx
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 21:42:06 EDT

Gwen, I really do not think you have caused any trouble on this list. You 
have expressed worries about that before and I think it is unfounded. If you 
are having a problem scanning books then asking for help here is exactly 
what this list is for and using it for what it is for is certainly not causing 
trouble. More recently the discussion of the adult designation and 
censorship has come up. I already for get who started it, but it may have been 
However, the topic erupts now and then anyway and this time you have just 
been conttributing to the usual discussion. A little while ago, after a day of 
being harried over some personal issues I sat down to my computer to find 
167 messages waiting for me and I don't think I will be able to get through 
all of them tonight. That is a reason for quitting the list and even though I 
have not done so yet it is that reason that I have come close. If that is 
your real reason for wanting to leave then it is understandable, but if you 
really think you have been a trouble maker then I do think you are wrong.

"The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies 
the end. 
" Leon Trotsky     

                 The Militant: http://www.themilitant.com Pathfinder Press: 
Granma International: http://granma.cu/ingles/index.html

table with 2 columns and 6 rows
[bksvol-discuss] This is good-bye sort of.   
9/9/2009 10:11:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time  
Sent from the Internet 
table end

I shall still be reading certainly and I certainly will be scanning and 
submitting books as well,  but sense I have been on this list I have created 
trouble than I have meant to and I truly do ask your forgiveness for this I 
honestly didn't mean to create any troubles here but I seem to manage to do
so and y'll don't need that so that you can relax now I will be leaving the 
list. Thanks for the help of those who did it's been a pleasure knowing 
thanks a million


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