atw: That new debate

  • From: "Geoffrey Marnell" <geoffrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <austechwriter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 16:06:54 +1000

Hi austechies,
Yes, we have ventured wide and far, so let's come back to my original
question, which has been somewhat overshadowed.
What is the logic, if any, in our common practice of calling a chapter in a
user guide, say,  "Entering transactions" rather than just "Transactions"?
Yes, some of you like the longer version: but can you justify it or give
good reasons for it, reasons that in some way are audience-centric or to do
with usability, rather than based on tradition, personal preference or
backyard astrology?
Geoffrey Marnell
Principal Consultant
Abelard Consulting Pty Ltd
T: +61 3 9596 3456
F: +61 3 9596 3625
W:  <>

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