atw: Re: That new debate

  • From: tpdhome@xxxxxxxxxx
  • To: austechwriter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 17:31:53 +0800

Oh no! The mass debating continues. I warn you, it's going to come to a sticky end.

Stop it, or you'll go blind. (Apologies to Max Gillies.)

[Trust me to lower the tone of an intellectual discussion. :) ]


Quoting Geoffrey Marnell <geoffrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi austechies,

Yes, we have ventured wide and far, so let's come back to my original
question, which has been somewhat overshadowed.

What is the logic, if any, in our common practice of calling a chapter in a
user guide, say,  "Entering transactions" rather than just "Transactions"?
Yes, some of you like the longer version: but can you justify it or give
good reasons for it, reasons that in some way are audience-centric or to do
with usability, rather than based on tradition, personal preference or
backyard astrology?


Geoffrey Marnell
Principal Consultant
Abelard Consulting Pty Ltd
T: +61 3 9596 3456
F: +61 3 9596 3625
W:  <>

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