[argyllcms] Re: is my colorimeter broken?

  • From: Karl Beckers <karl.h.beckers@xxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 09:32:50 +0200

On Jun 10, 2009, at 9:11 PM, Nikolay Pokhilchenko wrote:

I've corrected the R,G,B values to match the white locus curve with help of Argyll dispcal. The resulting equivalent temperature of white for my TV-display was about 9500K. When I comparing the realtive gamut of my TV-display with relative sRGB, I found that it is quite close to the reference. But when I try to tune the display white to 6500K for example, I have significant brightness decrease, poor contrast and not neutral black, because the black is not adjustable by the display itself. So I think, your case may be close to mine.


so what you're saying here is that if increased the color temperature rather than decrease it, at some point the sRGB gamut would fit into the monitor's gamut (provided the latter is large enough in the first place)? I could try that. I just assumed picking the sRGB preset on the display and keeping the native whitepoint in argyll (like with no - t) would give me the max gamut volume, but maybe I should try factory default rather than sRGB.



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