[argyllcms] collink -iaw clipping?

  • From: Florian Höch <lists+argyllcms@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 18:52:22 +0100

Unless I'm misunderstanding what -iaw "Absolute Colorimetric with
scaling to fit white point" does (entirely possible), it seems to clip
output values.

E.g. if I create a devicelink which maps from Rec709 (~6504K white) to
DCI P3 (~6000K white):

collink -qh -r65 -G -iaw -IB Rec709.icm SMPTE431_P3.icm Rec709_to_P3.icm

xicclu Rec709_to_P3.icm
1 1 1
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 [RGB] -> Lut -> 1.000000 0.983894 1.000000 [RGB]

It seems the output R and B values above are clipped as G is not scaled
down (comparing to xicclu output of going directly from the source
whitepoint to the destination):

xicclu -ia -fif SMPTE431_P3.icm
0.950458 1.000000 1.089058
0.950458 1.000000 1.089058 [XYZ] -> MatrixFwd -> 1.034769 0.983890
1.055374 [RGB]


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