[argyllcms] Re: Brainstorming about profiling Android devices

  • From: Gerhard Fuernkranz <nospam456@xxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 16:59:39 +0100

Launching an external command to display patches is already supported.
Please check the -C option of dispread.


Am 30.01.2012 16:39, schrieb Fabrizio Giudici:
I've read in the archive proposals about porting Argyll to Android and the 
problem is that Argyll is C, needs to be ported on the Native NDK of Android 
and possibly for each CPU, etc... Long way.

What about a shorter way? Patch Argyll so you still run it on a PC, but it 
renders the patches on the Android device. You still connect the colorimeter to 
the PC, but put it on the Android device screen. This also means that you would 
be able to do color management for Android devices without USB connection.

The easiest thing that I can imagine is a simple option to the Argyll 
executables that render the color patches so instead of rendering on the PC 
display they launch a specified executable and drive it by printing to its 
stdin (for instance a single line in the form r:45 g:79 b:35 for each patch to 
be rendered). Then it's up to somebody else to provide a couple of 
applications, one for Android and one for MacOSX/Linux/Window that do the rest 
of the job (a master running on the PC would just read the RGB triple, send it 
in some way to Android, where a slave just reads the values and then fills the 
screen). If Argyll provides the small required patch, I could be interested in 
make the remainder :-)

PS I still don't know about how ICC profiles can be installed to Android. But 
this is not Argyll's problem. In any case, the thing could be used to 
characterize the device. I'd be very curious to see how large the color space 
of my tablet is.

What do you think?

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