[arachne] what can't DOS do ??? (was Re: Mouse? (was Browser Won't Start In Default Home Page)

  • From: "Glenn McCorkle" <glennmcc@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, arachne4dos@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 10:28:51 -0500

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 19:38:46 -0600, Jason Dodd wrote:


> Perhaps I'm wrong and dos really is the best OS and arachne the best browser.
> But try as I might, I can never get it to do a fraction of what I typically do
> routinely on linux or windows.  I'm still trying so maybe I'll figure it out.
> I will note however, that nobody I've asked has been able to tell me how 
> either.

> It only takes me a few seconds to rattle off many things that can't be done in
> dos.  So far nobody's ever been able to tell me one thing that dos can do that
> linux can't.

> When I can rattle off a list of things an OS can't do that another can and
> nobody can give me one thing the other way around and still the 2nd OS is
> claimed to be objectively better... well, that gets me a little crazy.

Mr. Dodd,

Here's my list of what DOS can't do.

1) JAVA applets
2) Java script
3) Windows Media Video (.WMV files)
4) Shockwave Flash (.SWF files)
5) RealAudio/RealVideo
6) streaming audio/streaming video

Although there are some very rudementary java script interpretors
for DOS, so little of it can be done in DOS that we can esentially
that.... "virtually no Java script can be done in DOS".

And although there are some older RA2Wav players for DOS.
They do not work with the newer versions of RealNetworks files which
are being made available today.

But that's it... 6 things that I've found during my 28yrs of using
computers (starting with the Radio Shack TRS-80 model 1 [which I still
have and which is still in perfect working order]), all the way up to
this P4-1.5ghz machine I'm using right now and the P4-3ghz machine
just purchased a few weeks ago... which can't be done in DOS.


Please, show me your list.

                  Arachne at FreeLists                  
-- Arachne, The Premier GPL Web Browser/Suite for DOS --

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