[arachne] Re: [a4dos-list] Re:Re: Lite versus Full (was auto-install of

  • From: "Glenn Gilbreath Jr." <wizard57m@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "arachne4dos@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <arachne4dos@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 9:59:51 -0600

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

Hiya Gang!
I'm also sending this reply to the Freelists bunch in case someone
there doesn't subscribe to this one...

Glenn, I feel your pains, so take some advice from another Glenn 
in an Allied Health Sciences field (pharmacy)...slow down from 
developing Arachne for awhile, step back and just USE HER!  
Let the requests for "add this, subtract that, can we get the mouse
to do tricks when we hover over a link" type stuff be added to the
To Do (someday) list.  Let's cruise with version 1.83 for at least 

Cristof, and others concerned with MIME.CFG,
Have any of you ever attempted to change the MIME.CFG which
runs Lynx 386 for DOS?  Ahhhh...didn't think so.  Arachne's is 
much simpler, and smaller.  Something for everyone to keep in 
mind is this...Glenn "remarks" in MIME.CFG tell you how to either
enable or disable various features...not only that, the extras need 
to be pointing to the proper drive/directory of the specific add-on,
such as CNDMIDI, Martha/Ishtar, PDF2TEXT, etc.  If those programs
are not even on your system, the add-ons will not function.

OK, I've given a bit of medical advice, hehe.  Gang, we as the folks
that use Arachne need to remember that there are limitations as to 
what can be accomplished in DOS.  No amount of tinkering with 
CORE.EXE is going to accomplish Shockwave Flash, JavaScript,
nor Windows Media Format.  So, we just have to "swallow our 
medicine" and resort to some operating system/application package 
that CAN do those if we feel it absolutely necessary.

C U L8R!
Wiz  <{;-)
(signature below)
ps...I have went back to work virtually full-time, FINALLY, after almost 
no leads for 3 months.  So if I have seemed a bit quiet, it's because I 
was either searching for a new job, or lately at the new job!!  But, 
I can put groceries on the table again, hehe!  <{;-)
At 12/30/99, you wrote:
>On 10 Mar 05 at 4:22, glennmcc@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Done,
>> There never was any difference between the full and lite versions other than
>> the 2 different copies of mime.cfg
>> The D/L page has been updated and a183gplf.zip has been deleted.
>Yes, I prefer this solution, too: 
>- only one release with the light mime.cfg as default 
>- APMs that can be installed without any knowledge of mime.cfg syntax
>- not self-installing add-ons will be contributed from advanced users 
>for advanced users 
>Unfortunately mime.cfg actually is a big mess. Long time ago I gave
>up to use mime.cfg from new releases. My customized file is so
>different, that the only chance to keep up with changes is to compare
>mime.cfg from the latest release with that from the previous one.
>I consider mime.cfg structure as a _long-term_ task for Arachne
>developers. This file
>- should support APMs which append new lines at the end
>- should be human-readable 
>- comply to some (which?) conventions of mime (mailcap file)
>- provide a programming language for so-called DGIs
>- ...
>There are many different goals and functions of that file and the 
>result is - a mess. Unfortunately this is the heart of Arachne 
>configuration and cannot be changed or developped easily. 
>From the user point of view it would probably be good to separate 
>default settings from customizations, eg. above line 863 of the file 
>are the defaults, below 863 you can write your own lines, but do 
>not complain if it does not work. This implies that any valid 
>setting can be overwritten by a line added to the bottom. 
>This is of course only one way to do it. For those who spent a 
>substantial part of their lifetime trying to understand the mime.cfg
>syntax, this way must seem horrible...
>Christof Lange
>Ceskobratrska cirkev evangelicka - Betlemska kaple na Zizkove
>Prokopova 4/216, 130 00 Praha  3, Czech Republic
>Tel. (+420) 222 78 06 73 / 222 78 20 02 / 603 18 87 53
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Arachne at FreeLists
-- Arachne, The Web Browser/Suite for DOS and Linux --

Other related posts:

  • » [arachne] Re: [a4dos-list] Re:Re: Lite versus Full (was auto-install of