• From: "Brian C. Murphy" <BCMURPHY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ARACHNE LIST <ARACHNE@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 01:03:47 -0400

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

That was quite an interesting, if lengthy, discussion of the merits & 
lack thereof of the various historic flavors of Windows.  I was quite 
surprised at the large numbers of list members who had used one or more 
flavors of Windows.

I have not, and will not, use any Windows variety because I AM NOT 
DYSLEXIC, I think in text, and I do not, and cannot think in Graphics.  
Oh, I did waste 6 months trying to make the latest version of OS2 work, 
but never succeeded in doing anything useful, and went back to DOS only 
(and a bit of CP/M). If I were dyslexic, and thought in graphics, I 
would definitely use Mac's nearly flawless and virus free OS.

Fortunately I foresaw what Microsoft was up to in the mid-1990's and 
hurriedly bought a considerable amount of heavy duty DOS software before 
Bill Gates tried to kill DOS by refusing to accept for marketing any 
more DOS device drivers from programmers or new DOS software.

Subsequently, for about 10 years I downloaded DOS software from BBS's 
and bought more good DOS software for a song at salvage shops like Value 
Village, and scrounged the Internet when Arachne came along for online 
DOS software.  My only major lacks at this time are device drivers for 
peripherals such as addon drives, scanners and CDRW's.  Ah, if only Gary 
Kildahl had realized that DOS had real potential and would have accepted 
IBM's offer to build a DOS computer!

Brian Murphy
                  Arachne at FreeLists
-- Arachne, The Premier GPL Web Browser/Suite for DOS --

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