[arachne] Re: Bullshit! (was Re: Mouse?)

  • From: "Udo Kuhnt" <048321887-0001@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 20:30:32 +0000

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!


I will simply ignore all the unrelated and meaningless stuff you have
written in reply to my previous message, and rather try to explain it to
you, assuming that you really do not know what you were doing.

First, FUD means "fear, uncertainty and doubt". It is a term often used
on the Internet to describe the practice by some companies to discourage
people from using competitors' products, and also by OS zealots to make
other people use "the right OS" instead of "the wrong one" (in their
opinion). Spreading FUD is not the same as spreading lies, though you
might prefer the latter term if you wish; it is rather bending the truth
in a way that convinces somebody that a product is bad simply by
implying it, i.e. without actually saying it.

This is how it works: Let's assume that somebody wants to buy a new car.
For some reason, you cannot stand the Ford company and do not want him
to buy a Ford, so you tell him that you never fill more than ten gallons
of petrol in your Ford's tank to keep it from blowing up, and that you
have been using it quite successfully for the last years. Of course, you
never actually *have* experienced the tank blowing up, so you cannot be
sure that it *would* happen, but that is undoubtedly because you never
risked anything by driving with a full tank. Naturally, the guy does not
want to be blown to Kingdom Come and decides to buy another brand.

How does this relate to what you said? Well, by telling everyone that
you do not load the mouse driver on your 486 machine running DOS to
"conserve memory" because of its "limited resources", you imply that in
DOS, there is so little system resources left that you have to choose
between loading a mouse driver and running your application, which is a
claim that you probably cannot prove.

I am no DOS zealot, as you have called me, since I would be one of the
first to admit that DOS *has* its disadvantages. On the other hand, I am
a DOS fan, and I do not like somebody spreading FUD about it. So you
have not been attacked for no reason, but what I have said was the
reaction to your provocative statement.

If you would say the same about Linux, some Linux user would step up
instead. The difference is that people are much less inclined to
believe the same thing about Linux because there is less FUD being
spread about Linux, so you might get away with being mocked because of
your ignorance.

Regarding your mocking of others, I certainly get annoyed if I am
looking for help with a problem that I experience trying to do
something, and somebody tells me "then simply do not do it". That is
what you do, you advise people who seek help with a problem on this
list to avoid the problem instead of providing a solution to it. Also,
you seem to think that the way *you* do something is the only one, as
your answers indicate. If you then pat yourself on the shoulder and say
you are "glad to extend a helping hand" without having said anything
helpful at all, that could be regarded as pure arrogance. But perhaps
you really do not know what is going on around you, and thus cannot be
blamed for your inappropriate comments.

BTW, if you are looking for one of those, you do not have look any
farther than to your post preceding my previous one. But I guess you do
not even notice if you offend somebody, and thus do not understand why
they react rudely.



-- The DR-DOS/OpenDOS Enhancement Project - http://www.drdosprojects.de

-- This mail was written by a user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/
                  Arachne at FreeLists                  
-- Arachne, The Premier GPL Web Browser/Suite for DOS --

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