[analogorgans] Re: Service Techs

  • From: Sound Research <soundresearch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: analogorgans@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 23:53:44 -0800

Hello Bernie,

My drawings show this replaced with a .05 uf. capacitor, so a .027 would probably work or maybe even a .05.

Bernie Arcand wrote:

Here's one for the service technicians who specialize in or who are intimately familiar with the Cambridge 220-II:
Schemtaics, page 5, for board 3-C: In the center of the page is capacitor C180 which is a .025 uf (or 25k pf) ceramic disc, 100v capacitor. This has blown apart (pieces) in my organ, and so I have the following questions:
1. Before replacing it, should I be checking or looking at a "bigger cause" that would cause this to happen? If so, what?
2. I have searched through both the huge catalogs of Tesco and Allied, and have found only .022 or .027 uf caps at 100V, but nowhere can I find a .025 uf. Since this appears to be involved in the clocking timing area I would assume it is a critical component....or not? Which size can I "try" to see if a) it solves the problem, or b) if it blows up?
3. Any suggestions?
Bernie in ND

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