[amc] Serving Dinner to the Homeless - Foundation for the Homeless

  • From: Craig Headley <craigheadley@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Austin Mennonite <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Carrie Bert <carrie@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Thad Crouch <thadcrouch@xxxxxxxxx>, Jared Diener <j.diener@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jared Diener <jd.diener@xxxxxxxxx>, Aaron Gerber <agerbman@xxxxxxxxx>, Doug Gmennonite <dglongneck@xxxxxxxx>, Joel Goering <jfgoering@xxxxxxxxx>, Craig Headley <craigheadley@xxxxxxxxx>, Robert Knipe III <kniper1@xxxxxxxxx>, Kassidy Kerr <kassidykerr@xxxxxxxxx>, Rebecca L-A <r.lambdin.abraham@xxxxxxxxx>, Kareem Lehman <kareemlehman84@xxxxxxxxx>, Pamela Neumann <pjnsatx@xxxxxxxxx>, Sarah Reesor <sarah.m.reesor@xxxxxxxxx>, Katherine Skanse <kaskanse@xxxxxxxxx>, Emily Smith <smith.emilya@xxxxxxxxx>, Zachary Stoughton <pianotuner@xxxxxxx>, Zachariah Stoughton <zstoughton@xxxxxxx>, David Thiessen <datvdb@xxxxxxxxxx>, Greg Thiessen <gregst@xxxxxxxxxx>, Nathan Toews <nwtoews@xxxxxxxxx>, Charity Wenger <charitywenger@xxxxxxxxx>, Dixie Yoder <dixichik1981@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 10:42:29 -0700 (PDT)

Another opportunity has come up to serve the needy. I thought I would send this 
out and see if there is anyone interested.
Foundation for the Homeless hosts IHN (Inter-faith Hospitality Network), which 
is a network of Churches in the Austin area who open their doors to host 
homeless families one week at a time. We don't have the space and facilities 
needed to do this, but IHN also needs volunteers to help with their hosted 
fasmilies during the week, atht e Church they are staying at.Each evening the 
group of families (usually no more that 15 people) need to be fed Dinner.
If we decided to help we would be responsible for 1 Dinner and could volunteer 
to help in various ways:
1. Prepare dishes to be heated and served that night2. Show up to serve the 
meal and clean up3. Donate the cups, napkins and plates used
The next time slot which they are having difficulty filling is Saturday April 
3rd, 5:30 - 7:30. This is the night before Easter, so you can see why it is not 
filled and why they are desperate to fill it.
It is only 2 hours, and you could choose your way to volunteer. Hosts are also 
needed from 7:30 - 8:30 if you wanted to come later or stay later.
Let me know what you think.


Other related posts:

  • » [amc] Serving Dinner to the Homeless - Foundation for the Homeless - Craig Headley