[amayausers.com] Re: recovering embroidery files

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 00:05:36 UT

This message was posted by Body Cover on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY 
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One of the things that happened to us,
was the same thing and we learned the hard way too.
We mistakenly let Windows fix the problem and it named over 3000 of our art 
files with names like 
"File 0001.chk" which is a generic name it gave everything no matter what file 
format it was.
Here how we went through to salvage what we could.
there are programs to do this faster or you can do it yourself. you need to 
rename any suspect files and change the extension to .omf or .cnd. or .exp 
depending on what format you usually save your files in. the ones that are 
actually embroidery files will no show with an icon and can be relocated. then 
you can work through the remaining files and see what else you can salvage. 
there may be text files there (.txt) or photos files (.jpg or .bmp or .png) or 
who know what else.
it will usually question you as to if your sure you want to change the 
extensions, but it is easy to change them back as well.
Not sure if this will help but I hope it might.
Since you have now learned the lesson that many of us have about back ups. 
because its never "if" its always "when"

Good luck and keep us updated.


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