[amayausers] Re: Using two instances of Amaya OS in a LAN environment

  • From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 16:19:10 UT

This message was posted by Cathy on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 


We are running 2 PC's in order to have our production staff not running into 
one another as they download designs to run on each cluster.  We found that our 
production folks were literally stepping on eachother's toes as they tried to 
use 4 machines, and anticipated the problem only getting worse with 6.  

The way we are networked, we can actually run all six from one machine, that is 
not a problem(the hubs that network the AMAYAS to the PC's are in turn 
connected to our LAN - so the two PC's are basically networked to one another, 
as well as to our main server).  The problem is the LAN network.  We can't 
connect to our main server (where all of our design files are stored) UNLESS 
the PC's are connected through the LAN.  And,as long as the PC's are connected 
through the LAN, each PC sees all 6 machines, and can use all six machines at 
different times. BUT, PC-A can't use the amaya OS downloaded on its hard drive 
to run only 1-3 while PC-B uses amaya OS downloaded on it's hard drive to run 
only 4-6 at the same time. Each instace of AMAYA OS sees 6 machines and wants 
to configure all 6.  We want OS on PC-A to only configure for 1-3, while OS on 
PC-B configures for 4-6 only.

I hope I explained my problem a little better that time!



We need our two production team members to work at independant PC's connected 
to 3 AMAYAS, AND be able to download from the same Network server.

Maybe that explains it better.


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