[amayausers] Re: "Sons of the American Legion"??

  • From: "Roland R. Irish III" <signman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 08:10:53 -0400

Having been in the 'advertising industry' with screen printing, ad
specialties, and now embroidery for over 20 years, with the majority of most
businesses and clubs,you only need permission from the 'head honcho',
franchise holder, etc. to use their logo on items FOR THEIR USE.
For example: Ford, Subaru, etc. will chase you to death if you produce ONE
hat with their logo on it and sell it to someone. BUT if you have an ORDER
from a Ford Dealer to supply him with hats for his parts team, or shirts for
a baseball kid's team, with his logo (and the FORD emblem) on it-you are
safe. I am working on a 50,000 piece order for the United Way right now-
(don't gasp-it's for window decals, not embroidery!) and I am NOT allowed to
use the official UW logo on my own-but the order has the permission of
national UW and has purchased a 'license' for my use-so we are supplying
over 35 UW agencies at once-all approved. The ONLY franchise/business I have
run into that refuses to allow 'outside vendors' to supply their logo on
shirts, etc. is 'Curves'- a local group asked me to do shirts for them-I
said to check on proper logo and rights-and they were told ALL such items
were controlled through the home company...franchisee's cannot do it on
their own.
I've done work for American Legion, VFW, Moose, Elks, you name it-and the
'quartermaster' or commandant, whatever title-usually has an official
'publication' with all the APPROVED logos for each division, etc. and will
supply it on demand for orders FOR HIS/HER group ONLY. YOU cannot produce
jackets, for example with the VFW logo and advertise them for sale
publically-but you CAN solicit the same business DIRECT from a local VFW if
asked...so make sure all orders come from or through the group or
organization itself-not from a 'member' trying to resell them, whether it is
for profit or not.
Always ask for 'purchase order', 'authority to purchase', or check and see
if a purchase needs a 'vote' or approval by an officer, etc. I know, its a
hassle-but you need to cover your butt or you may not get paid! 

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