[amayausers.com] Re: Sequins accessory not responding

  • From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 18:41:12 UT

This message was posted by Alicante on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 

Hi, I asked tech support here but they said they can't help so here goes. I 
just got a new Amaya xt with the sequins atachement setup in Sept. 2007. At 
delivery all tests were made and the sequins sewout went fine. Since that time 
I had not touched the accessory, having lots of learning to do on the machine 
and designShop software. About a month ago, I felt ready to do some test 
designs with sequins. 
When I started the machine, it sewed using that long sequins step stitch, but 
no sequins! 

The tech said it was the fault of the compressor. However, the sequins head 
responds and moves up at startup of the machine normally. The leds are on. It 
just doesn't feed.
On the compressor side, it is working normally. There is a extra hose on it and 
I use it frequently during the day.

A friend suggested it could be the feeder. But I can't see any button or 
release to check.

Any ideas, suggestions, help would be appreciated. Thanks.  :rolleyes:


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