[amayausers.com] Re: Roland versacamm

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:34:21 UT

This message was posted by signman on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
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I'm here! We bought our SP300V Versacamm 3 years ago, after researching it for 
a couple years (well, honestly we dragged our feet until the price came down) 
This is the 30" machine-Debbie got the larger one. At times I wished we went 
for the 540 because I do 4'x8' panels for another shop. But there is no way I'd 
have room for that big a machine. ALWAYS wait to buy until you get to a show 
(USSC show, end of Nov. every year in Atlantic City is where we go) because 
they go on sale! Usually $3,000 off. And if there is a model change-dealers 
will dump the older model fast. I do NOT recommend buying it on line-because 
these machines are finicky and you WILL need to have a REAL live tech to take 
care of them. Warranty is great-and when it runs out-DEFINITELY get the 
extended warranty. I don't care what some people say about 'put the money in 
the bank'...on a Versacam-the print heads don't last long-they can go bad 
easily-and that's a $3,000 bill to replace them! Our machine paid for
  itself the first year-doing signage for United Ways across the country. Our 
amaya...well, the last lease payment is next week-with interest-it cost us 
almost $25,000 and was the worst financial disaster we ever got into! Hate to 
say it-but having just one isn't worth it.


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