[amayausers.com] New Post/Thread Notification: Machines & Hardware

  • From: "AmayaUsers Discussion Boards" <theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 09 May 2014 23:29:02 +0000


stargazeremb has just posted in the Machines & Hardware forum of AmayaUsers 
Discussion Boards under the title of Delay, slow = frustration!.

This thread is located at 

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Hello, I just bought a new laptop that is amazing. Windows 8. I installed 
Design Shop V9 Pro+ and the Amaya software and starting running full force. 
Internet has not been turned on yet on computer. It has been one week and now 
Design Shop is very slow when digitizing. Everytime I click someplace to make 
design, it is like the program has to go through all the clicks I made before 
it catches up to where I am presently clicking. So it is taking so much more 
time to digitize. And to make things worse, when I try to send over to Amaya, 
it is slow. Today I tried to send over a 5,000 stitch design and it took over 4 
minutes before it went over to the Amaya. I can't run a business like this. 
HELP please!



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