[amayausers.com] Re: Machine detached from system ?!

  • From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 19:07:48 UT

This message was posted by Body Cover on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY 
VIA EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 

Just an FYI if you do the above things (note the stitch number and so on) then 
restart the machine
and OS if needed then when the design reloads there is a item in the Tools drop 
down menu you'll find "Move to last origin" which will reposition the hoop at 
the last coordinates that you moved it to. So things to remember, If this 
happens , never take the item out of the hoop, write down the stitch number and 
what we have done a few time to be confident is take a pice of frosted scotch 
tape and put it on the deisng at the point it was sewing, hold down the laser 
button and use a pen to mark a dot at the pint that the laser is marking, then 
when all is done and done right the laser should hit that mark at the exact 
same spot. This way you know the return to origin worked, if your comfortable 
with the lineup. peel the tape off and hit start. for us we always back it up 
around 2o to 25 stitches to make sure we have a good overlap
sinc ehtere are no tie ins or tie offs at the stopping point. Good Luck.



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