[amayausers.com] Re: Colors REALLY strange

  • From: "Juli Damazo" <julid@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Amaya Users" <amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 17:42:38 -1000

Well, when I saved to dst, it did list 20 colors. So, it did work. BUT of course thaey are not the right colors and I have to go in and change them all. Still, it is a wrok around until Melco figures it out. You would think that with the ling time in beta that someone woukld have found this problem. Maybe they should let less professional people test the program. Someone who is more artsy/craftsy instead of the production shop. I don't use blends all the time, but they are nice for sky and water. I can get into a lot of that!

Also, I needed to provide this file in V7. That didn't work either. At present I can not digitize in V9 and save in V7 and get it to run on a V7 system. I have reported that.

Juli in Kona

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