[accmemberdiscussion] Another opinion of Bill Hemby & PetPac

  • From: Djsdosido@xxxxxxx
  • To: accmemberdiscussion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 08:23:16 EDT

Permission to cross post.

I have received emails  that suggest PetPac is not as worthy of supporting 
as other groups and I don't  like it because of their history in my 
community that I can speak to first  hand.

Many of you on this list don't live in California, where I DO. I  live in 
Huntington Beach and we fought the same AR people who are promoting the  
horrible anti-pet legislation in the California State Legislature, and we  
defeated it thanks to CalFedOfDogClubs and PetPac. 

During our fight in  Huntington Beach, that took 2 years to defeat, there 
were only TWO groups that  came here to support NO new law for our city, they 
were California Federation of  Dog Clubs and PetPac. Those were the only 
two organizations that came and fought  with the residents against any new 
laws. If Bill Hemby, on his own dime, had not  come (450 miles) to our rescue 
and spoke out against the ARs with outstanding  arguments that refuted 
everything the ARs said it is seriously doubtful we local  newbies to this 
would have succeeded. We, the group called POWER (Pet  Owners Want Equal 
Rights) were a local grassroots effort that pulled local pet  owners out of 
their homes for the fight and supported by the Dog and Cat Show  community. I 
can not begin to tell you how inadequate we felt in those first  couple of 
Council meetings but we learned and with the support of California  Federation 
of Dog Clubs and PetPac we defeated the group SCIL (Stupid Cats In  

We, all pet owners, cannot afford to  belittle or badmouth any group in 
this fight no matter what we may personally  feel about them. SCIL is doing 
enough to discredit PetPac without others  marching to their drum. The 
following are California organizations fighting  legislation that is bad for 
all of 
us: California Federation of Dog Clubs;  PetPac; CaRPOC; CDOC; 
WeThePeoplePets; and SaveOurDogs; on a National Front we  have NAIA (probably 
the oldest 
organization fighting for our rights) and the  AKC. We need the support of 
each of these organizations, please consider  deleting any email you get that 
knocks another organization that is fighting the  fight for all of us. As 
the saying goes Divide and Conquer, if you donâ??t want  that to happen then 
be alert to what should NEVER go around the internet in  print, especially 
from a 'Dog/Cat Show Person.'

Diane Amendola (a Dog  Lover's Opinion)

Donna & the Dosido Gang
Remlap, Alabama
Every year of dog  love is worth seven years of the human stuff. (Michael 
visit me at _www.doublenickellife.blogspot.com_ 

Other related posts:

  • » [accmemberdiscussion] Another opinion of Bill Hemby & PetPac - Djsdosido