[access-uk] Re: Creating folders on i devices

  • From: "Carol Pearson" <carol.pearson29@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <access-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 23:09:24 +0100


I can only tell you about IPods and phones and not about any other Mac devices 
but, if that's what you need, I learned this last night and have put it to good 
use as I've sorted my apps and put lots into folders.

Here's some instructions, if they're what you need.  If not, sorry, and please 
hit DEL.

First, if you haven't done this before you may want to do it in various steps.

To move an app you double tap, holding your finger down on the second tap until 
you hear VO announce "Moving ..."  You then proceed to move that app around the 
screen.  If it lands on another, you'll be told and, if you don't move it off 
fairly quickly, I'm afraid you'll find a folder is automatically created for 
you and given a (hopefully) meaningful name.  If that's what you'd like, fine;  
it works quite well a lot of the time.

If you don't like the name of a folder and you're not nifty enough (at the 
beginning) to sus out how to rename that folder, then go back to it, open the 
folder, and if you then flick left you can find the folder name.  You're 
supposed to be able to double tap this and rename it.  I couldn't actually get 
that to work well yesterday until I'd found myself having to move out items 
that were not wanted in one or two folders.  In this case, as you double tap 
and hold the item, you can then get to rename the folder.

Sorry, I'm not very subsinct at this stage of the evening but that's the 
general idea.

I have found it can be helpful to get apps you want to move into a folder 
fairly close together and maybe all on the same page first, so that you know 
where your app is and where you're moving it to.  This isn't probably really 
essential though once you've practised these things a time or two.

Give me a shout if I can help further.  I did get all 30 plus apps of mine 
straightened out without sighted help and felt very good about it too!  <Smiles>

Carol P

---- Original Message ----
From: Steve Hyde-Dryden
To: access-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 7:21 PM
Subject: [access-uk] Creating folders on i devices

> Hi All,
> Sorry if this has already been covered.  Can anyone give
> me a step by step list of instructions to create new
> folders for iPhone 4/iPod Touch devices and how to move
> aps into different, newly created folders?   
> Many thanks.
> Steve

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