[access-uk] British Gas MyHome

  • From: "Tony" <tonys_groups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <access-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <viphone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 20:05:43 +0100



This week, British Gas released an update to their iOS MyHome application,
which facilitates control of their remote heating control (RHC), and their
range of safe and secure products.


The safe and secure range I haven't tried, but the latest update means that
the remote heating control is now fully accessible to voiceover users.


Using the App, Provided you have the appropriate hardware, you can control
your heating system from anywhere assuming you have a network connection.


.         Controlling means switching modes between Off, Scheduled, and

.         Adjusting the target temperature.

.         Checking the system's current status.

.         Full access to the scheduling program.


Before this version, MyHome was not accessible.


There is still the option to control the RHC by SMS, e.g. Heat on, Heat Off.





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