
Technology in medicine, genetics, support groups

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Surgical Sieve

My name is Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli. I work as a doctor and a programmer from Cambridge University in England: I publish a monthly newsletter called Surgical Sieve. It is free to subscribe to, and keeps medical practitioners abreast of the latest information technology, and how it may affect clinical practice. You can see the archives at: Past topics include: - electronic books - robosurgery - NHSNet, the UK intranet for doctors - online prescriptions - privacy of medical records - handheld computers - consumer health sites

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ACSHP Trainee Discussion List

Discussion group for trainees of the Australasian College of Sexual Health Physicians.

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Health Care + Technology

We wish to discuss issues relevant to using information technology to enable health care that is more effective, efficient, of better quality and more equitable.

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The Kidney Cancer List and Blogs

Hello, this list will consist of RCC (Kidney Cancer or Renal Cell Carcinoma) information, links, RCC Treatment, Kidney Cancer trials, and other such information that is shared with the Kidney Cancer community.

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Kredo Users Alliance

User alliance for Kredo practice management information system.

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MAPAS Students

Maori and Pacific Island Medical Admissions Scheme - advancing Maori and Pacific Islanders towards the study and research of Medicine (technology-related)

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ROEP N.O. Brabant

Discussion list for psychologists concerning ICT-related issues and regional networking.

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Talk with the CyberPsychologist

Ask questions and discuss issues relating to psychology, personal growth, relationships, and mental health with Dr. Rob Sarmiento, the CyberPsychologist.

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Erb's List

Sharing of Information related to Brachial Plexus/Erb's Palsy care and treatment.

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NCSRC Newsletter

We will be using this service as a newsletter to inform our society members of new discoveries, events,technologies and general articles pertaining to respiratory care.

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COINS Network Information

News and updates from members of the Central Oklahoma Integrated Network System, Inc. (COINS)

ListRank: -2ListRank: -2

VetView Community Managers

This group is no longer active.

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Hare Krishna Physio

Hello friends. In this mailing list we wil share all the knowledge of the abled Physiotherapist. In this sharing we can include discussions on various conditions we see in our daily practice and there PT management, new techniques adopted, effective results etc. we can also have discussion on rare cases reported to us for Physiotherapy treatment, and our experiences in treating such patients. We can also share about new techniques in the field of Physiotherapy, as it wil add to our knowledge, and we may stay updated with the current trend of Physiotherapy. So, join and be a part of this exclusive act of sharing knowledge with every1 and exploring to new things. Looking forward for every once contribution and participation in sharing there knowledge and experiences.

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VetView Community

This group is no longer active.

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