[ZeroBrane Studio] Re: Wierd error

  • From: Paul K <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "zerobrane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zerobrane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:17:10 -0700

Hi Rob,

>> "print(require('mobdebug')._VERSION, debug.gethook())" before the line
> 0.606    function() --[[..skipped..]] end    "crl"    0

Just to makes sure we are on the same page with this: the line printed
is from print() statement on the line that is *after* the line you do
"done" command on and *before* the line with a breakpoint? The reason
I want to confirm this is that debug hook should be reset when "done"
is executed, so you should get "nil" instead of "function".

So, let say you have:

1: require('mobdebug').start()
2: something else
3: print(require('mobdebug')._VERSION, debug.gethook())
4: line with a breakpoint

You start debugging and the application is suspended with the current
line marker is on line 2. You click on "Project | Detach Process". The
application continues, prints the line you included above, and throws
the error on line 4. Correct? Using these steps I can't reproduce the
issue with 0.606.

Is this code inside a coroutine by any chance? Are you using Lua 5.1,
5.2, or LuaJIT?

> Ah ... that's interesting. I DO have breakpoints after clicking on that. Is 
> that the answer? It's sort of sensible it would throw an error...

Yes, the issue only happens when you have a breakpoint later in the
code, but it still shouldn't throw the error (and this is what is
supposed to be fixed in 0.606).


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