[ZeroBrane Studio] Re: Integrating other "runtimes"

  • From: Paul K <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: zerobrane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 15:37:37 -0700

Hi Ignacio,

> 1: setInterval(function()
> 2: console.log("%s", os.time())
> 3: end, 2000)
> 4: process:loop()

> I can put a breakpoint at line 1, but a breakpoint in line 2 is never hit.

You may be doing everything correctly, but if your function in setInterval
parameter is called from a coroutine, then debugging for those needs to be
explicitly enabled.

debug.hook in Lua needs to be set on every coroutine and because those can
be created at run-time, you need to tell the debugger that this needs to be
done (this is off by default). It's a bit different with LuaJIT, but the
behavior of the debugger under LuaJIT mimics the behavior of the "normal"
Lua interpreter.

You have two options to do this:
1. Enable coroutine debugging globally by calling
require("mobdebug").coro(). This only works if coroutine.create() is used
and most likely not work if you create coroutines from C/C++ code.
2. Enable coroutine debugging on a case-by-case basis. call
require("mobdebug").on() from the coroutine you want to be able to debug.
You only need to do it once per coroutine

> 1: setInterval(function()
require("mobdebug").on() --<-- add this; won't do any harm if it's already
"on" or if the debugging is not started, so it's safe to leave in as long
as it can find mobdebug.
> 2: console.log("%s", os.time())
> 3: end, 2000)
> 4: process:loop()

(Obviously, you can do "local mdb = require 'mobdebug'; ...later...

Julien did a nice write up on a very similar situation with Xavante

I should describe this in more detail in ZBS documentation. Let me know if
this is not coroutine related and I'll take further look.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Ignacio Burgueño <iburgueno@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Ok, what an embarrassment. I hit send too soon.
> Let's try again.
> I'd like to use ZeroBrane to debug some scripts that needs LuaNode [1] to
> run. LuaNode is, basically, a node.js clone.
> I added a new interpreter file under the "interpreters" folder, but I
> could not get it to work properly. I managed to get a debugger server
> running and then I start another process that connects back to the server,
> using the following script:
> ------------------------
> local mainpath = "d:/zerobranestudio/"
> package.cpath = mainpath.."bin/?.dll;"..mainpath.."bin/clibs/?.dll"
> package.path = mainpath .. "/lualibs/?/?.lua;" ..
> mainpath.."/lualibs/?.lua;" .. package.path
> --package.path =
> "d:/zerobranestudio/bin/clibs/?/?.lua;d:/zerobranestudio/lualibs/?.lua;" ..
> package.path
> package.path =
> [[C:\LuaRocks\1.0\lua\?.lua;C:\LuaRocks\1.0\lua\?\init.lua;]] ..
> package.path
> xpcall(function()
> io.stdout:setvbuf('no')
> require('mobdebug').loop('BURGUERTOP',8172)
>  process:loop()
> end,
> function(err) print(debug.traceback(err)) end)
> ------------------------
> I can then step through the script I have opened in ZeroBrane, but it
> won't stop in breakpoints placed in callbacks. For example:
> 1: setInterval(function()
> 2: console.log("%s", os.time())
> 3: end, 2000)
> 4: process:loop()
> I can put a breakpoint at line 1, but a breakpoint in line 2 is never hit.
> Does any of the other runtimes behave similarly (use of an event loop,
> etc) so I can take a look?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ignacio

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