[yunqa.de] Re: How to install DIContainers for Delphi 7 ? (DISQLite3 already installed)

  • From: Delphi Inspiration <delphi@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: yunqa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,yunqa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 13:04:37 +0200

At 09:26 15.05.2009, Alexandre Velinot wrote:

>I downloaded DI Containers for Delphi 7 but I don't know the process
>for installation it's not documented.

DIContainers does not contain any visual or non-visual components. Therefore 
there is no need to "install" the library other than extracting the unit files 
and setting up your Delphi's / Project's search path.

You can, however, install the provided packages if you are creating custom 
components with one of the following published property types:

* TDIAnsiStringList
* TDIAnsiStringVector
* TDIWideStringList
* TDIWideStringVector
* TDIUnicodeStringList
* TDIUnicodeStringVector

After installation, you can invoke property editors (similar to TStringList) 
for your custom component properties via the Object Inspector.

My general recommendation is to not install DIContainers into your Delphi IDE 
unless you plan to create custom components which have published properties of 
any of the types listed above.

>When I tried to install the dpk for delphi 7 i have this message :
>"Impossible de charger le paquet 'DIContainers_D7.'  Il contient
>l'unité 'DISystemCompat,'qui est aussi contenue dans le paquet
>What should i do (I already have DI SQLite3 installed) ?

If you really need to install, you can follow either of the two approaches 
below. For each, make sure you extract both DISQLite3 and DIContainers into the 
same directory.

Then do either:

1. Install as a single package:

Open the DISQLite3 package and add the file DIContainersReg.pas. Recompile the 
DISQLite3 package and install. It will now contain both DISQLite3 as well as 
the DIContainers property editors.

2. Install as two packages:

Edit the DIContainers package and add DISQLite3 the package so its requires 
clause so it looks like this:


Remove DISystemCompat.pas from the DIContainers package (because it is already 
contained in DISQLite3).

Save, compile and install the DIContainers package.


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