[yshavurah] Re: lay-led Shabbat service

  • From: "Debra Rothenberg" <drothenb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <yshavurah@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <rebiljo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 10:30:49 -0600

I am sorry for the late notice, but I replied to theis email on Monday and =
don't see it in my inbox, so I'm assuming it didn't get to everyone.

I have to be on call this weekend and will be unable to host the oneg.  I =
hope services go well--and will be thinking of you all as I see sick kids =
in the office!

<<< "johanna" <rebiljo@xxxxxxxxxxx>  2/ 4 12:52p >>>

>>>I am planning a Shabbat lay-led service for Saturday morning, February =
>>>Deb Rothenberg and family are sponsering a kiddush to commemorate her
>>>mother's yartzeit.
>>>Would anyone like to help me lead the service?  We will conduct it the
>>>we have in the past.  We will not have a Torah service, but will read =
>>>sedra from "Sedra Scenes" with the kids, and then have an adult
>>>I'd love to have some help.


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