Re: Mnemonic MoDe for 'small' text

  • From: Harry Binswanger <hb@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: xywrite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2016 09:46:50 -0400


I'm not seeing the small font after just updating with VDLUPD and seeing a vDos-lfn.exe dated 8/06/2016 at 10:49pm.

And when I get it working, will I be able to control the foreground/background color of the small text? (I'm looking for a small but light color to use for comments, to make the visible but unobtrusive, like a light grey on a white background (I use white background for everything).


Hi Carl,

I did make attempt to display strikethru text visually in XyWrite when I first added support for italic text in vDos-lfn. However, I dropped this idea when I found that the default color used for such text is the same as the default color for selected menu items in Xy4, so if I do this then the menu items will look bad. Since strikethru text is probably not used very often, I think maybe we can ignore this for now unless there is a very good solution for this. I believe most of the styled text can already be displayed visually in vDos-lfn by now.


On Saturday, August 6, 2016 7:20 PM, Carl Distefano <cld@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

So ... it's easy to create a mnemonic MoDe for "small" text. Just
assign MoDe 0 to the named mode of your choice. I chose MoDe FL, which
stands for FLashing, but could also stand for FLattened; in
SETTINGS.DFL (or another printer file):


Then your eXPanded view for small text would look like this:

<MDFL>This is small text.<MDNM>

Here's a screenshot (using the LiberationMono font family, which is
actually very nice):


Now, here's a thing: XyWrite also has MoDe SO, for strikeout (a/k/a
strike-over or strike-through). This is used for printing, but is there
also a possibility to add a visual strikeout for the vDos-lfn screen?


Carl Distefano

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