Re: How many of us are there left?

  • From: Raphael <rtennenbaum@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: xywrite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 16:37:02 -0500

Just recently moved to Vim (a nod to Russ U. for the nudge) where I am happy as I've ever been with Xy. Essentially it's the same idea -- plain-text writing and editing, which really is no longer exotic or arcane, since it's how programmers work. Took some adjusting to get used to a few of the keystrokes -- it's still hard for me not to start marking text with F1, I may have to figure out how to remap that -- but after a day or two I was perfectly comfortable, not much different than switching to saxophone from clarinet. Simple integration with the system keyboard plus lots of other Linuxy things (free-as-in-beer-as-well-as-speech certainly among them), thousands if not millions of plug-ins (thanks to a burgeoning and industrious Vim cult), potential for extreme customization, powerful search/replace. And a cool name.

It's been vicariously exciting to see Xy users liberated the last few months, but I've moved on. Like all of us, I owe a debt of gratitude to Carl (and RJH, and everyone here) whose work in XPL still fills me with awe -- their labor, and this community, largely made it possible for me to use Xy for thirty years. A tip of the cap to y'all for all the wisdom & entertainment.


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