[wkars-members] Re: OPERATING EVENING

  • From: "Dave Green" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "dave.w.green" for DMARC)
  • To: wkars-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2016 09:36:16 +0000

Could also include some form of morse tutorial or some practice sending and receiving.

73 de Dave G4OTV

On 06/02/2016 18:49, keithlbird@xxxxxxx (Redacted sender keithlbird for DMARC) wrote:

Hello Phil, yes we were speaking of practical sessions, hands-on operating, which at times to my understanding could for some involve explaining the how and why in a one-to-one if required.
Hands-on programming of radios could be a part of these sessions, perhaps like a 'skills night' we could develop and expand this, the key aspect of these evenings would be the practical bias.
At this stage the days, times and venue are secondary, though Bidborough is available except Friday evenings and weekends.
The costs would be as per existing sessions in the hall, so longer term if this were successful the members/committee would need to consider the on-going funding.
This is just an idea that has been suggested to help members not equipped so well at home, and those wanting a more practical/informal meeting. It will need the committee to take a decision depending on feedback, and make a proposal if this is to go ahead.
Thanks for the input so far, and we also need to hear from those members we currently see less often and have station limitations.
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil B <phil_m0ima@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: wkars-members <wkars-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sat, 6 Feb 2016 17:52
Subject: [wkars-members] Re: OPERATING EVENING
I was of the impression that the operating evening was more to augment the existing meeting structure rather than generate additional sessions. I'm in favour of the proposal, broadly speaking. Two questions do come to mind however. Firstly, is the venue available for these new events. Secondly, whilst we may be able to afford a short term dip of the toe into the water, if this is successful, how do you see the long term funding?
All responses to everyone please, NOT BCC.

73.  Phil.  M0IMA.

Best regards,

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