Re: [Wittrs] Richter on Mounce on Winch and Anscombe

  • From: kirby urner <kirby.urner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 11:15:56 -0700

> If he means 'absolute' in the sense of having no possible exceptions, then
> Anscombe might disagree. Take the rule against murder. Like the rest of
> us, Anscombe regards murder as out of the question. So this might look
> like an exceptionless rule. But what if you're Abraham and God tells you to
> murder Isaac? Anscombe objects to those who think in advance that murder might
> be something we should not rule out, but I don't think she would necessarily
> insist that Abraham tell God to take a hike.
When dealing with Anglophones, one needs to
be careful, as "murder" is not synonymous with
"dying" nor even "killing".

Imagine a usage pattern that went:  "everyone
dies in the end so God murders everyone".
Although some claimed "God is dead" it's
really that God kills us all, each and every
one of us, sometimes in our sleep.

Of course this diverges from Standard Church
Talk by a large margin.  It's not comforting
to think of a killer God perhaps maliciously
doing us in, or having us murder each other
(for sport?).  This could not be a "Christian
God" some might say.

In any case, you'll find many coming out
against "murder" but having no moral qualms
about sending people to their deaths in a war
time situation, where the slaying of foes is
not "murder" (a criminal offense) but a "way
of life" (to be protected and nurtured).  Many
who pursue killing as a vocation will indeed
attribute their killing to a religious calling.
"God commanded me to defend his Faith"
or some such meme, might be scratched
in a diary or battlefield blog.  God exults in
our penchant for mayhem perhaps, has other
planets for peace and joy.  Earth is his Hell
and we've been sent here as punishment.

That could be a basis for a belief system
I suppose.  Most humans are more hopeful,
so I doubt it'd get far as a monotheism.
"There is only one God and he's crazy and
cruel" would not be a popular tenet and
followers might be branded "nihilists" even
if they were gentle and pacifistic.  I can
imagine religious crazies going after them,
targeting them with drones.

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