Re: [Wittrs] Problem Set-1 is ready to go!

  • From: kirby urner <kirby.urner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 19:49:08 -0700

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 11:22 AM, Sean Wilson <whoooo26505@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> ... alert, alert.
> Problem-Set 1 is up. Most be solved by next week. Feel free to solve it in
> here.
> Regards and thanks.
> Dr. Sean Wilson, Esq.
> [spoiler]Assistant Professor

I've actually been thinking about this problem set quite a bit, as I weave
in and out of traffic, other times.

What I come down to is I can imagine it being a kind of psychological
We don't know that's what it is, but Sean keeps the essays in a filing
system wherein the responders are rated along a scale of "favors
underdogs" to "get real, authority wins" type personalities.

Authoritarian:  Like of course it's a mammal, not a fish, and they're
not  bachelors.  What was the other one?  It  dIdn't make as big an
impression after the porn star strip club with the English professor
(a place in The Matrix...).

What we learn from horror films is the audience is looking for catharsis.
You start to want bad things to happen to so and so and it's often
along predictable lines:  they're doing things you might like to do
(oft times of a sexual nature) but you keep yourself in check,
whereas they succumb to temptation and the wages of sin are
death.  Pass the popcorn, lets watch.

So the punishing personality is more likely to side with the English
professor.  And note:  English is all about an authority figure at the
center who ways "We" a lot  (a monarch, a kind of "Simon says" figure)
and to deviate from the King's English is to dishonor authority.

That one of our two "bachelors" is a former president of the
United States, while the other guy is black, like the current president,
just makes the stakes all the higher.

The kid with the dolphin seems so innocent, so we more likely side
with him if we have underdog-siding proclivities.  In his emergent
namespace, finned animals are called fish and he's just applying
the rule.  The stupid grownups have their rules, which they teach,
and then immediately they start teaching exceptions.  The language
itself is stupid.  We should have allowed "mammal fish" i.e. you can
be a mammal and a fish, inheriting from two parent classes.

Who says multiple inheritance is verboten?  Python has it...

Okay, I have to peek...

Wow, I was more off than I'd remembered!

Surely I'd have recalled, eventually, that I'd gazed at one monster
ugly dog on my first visit, so something about dogs.  Then I went
to a party where a really funny looking dog snorted around the
room and jumped on the couch with me.  "The Fat Man" people
called him, though I think his real name was "Garcia".

But I completely forgot the thing about chairs.

OK, so in one case I think the dogmatic adult deserves to be
challenged:  the English concept of dog, which borders on wolf
but somehow does not include foxes, is just a cultural
"hodge podge of mumbo jumbo" (we were joking about
that phrase at a bar last night).

OK, I'm wrong about foxes, they don't intermix.  But then we
have coyotes and dingos and...

I'd like to say to the "real dogs" guy that the concept of "dog"
is merely a guidepost and when push comes to shove you'd
better not bully little kids more than the science allows.

As to the chair versus stool pair, if they're going to argue
about it, then I think they deserve what they get for being
dummies.  I want to watch from the ceiling mounted web cam
as these two come to blows.

Then we'll switch back to Tiger and Clinton.  Like when you
go to Club Med, you change real money for plastic beads of
no value in the real world.  But if you want a drink or other
Club Med asset with a bead price, then its that real world
money that's no good.

In here, all clients are called "bachelors", that's just the lingo.
We have different words for a lot of things.  The English
professor is merely here to provide contrast, and he is
frequently hauled away by men in white coats (a rotating
character) much to the glee of the customers (e.g. Clinton),
who love seeing grammarians get their comeuppance,
especially when its English that they preach.

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