[Wittrs] Re: Consciousness in Three Lists

  • From: "gabuddabout" <gabuddabout@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 23:12:22 -0000

Stuart writes:

"This business about it being about the hardware is just another false trail of 
yours (borrowed from PJ on Analytic since I don't believe you ever made the 
point in our earlier discussions on Parr's list)."

I thought you were either retarded or playing a dubious game at Parr's list, 
Stuart.  That was six years ago.  I haven't seen anything to contra-indicate 
that either/or today.

So the business is about the software?

Earlier you said that hardware matters for complexity.  The CR was underpecked 
as you said.

Did you mean underspecked in terms of the complexity of the hardware or the 
complexity of the software?

I always thought that the CR was equivalent to a UTM if one understood the 
original strong AI thesis.

Even RUNNING PROGRAMS are formal--they don't even get started in playing the 
game of what might cause and realize semantics and consciousness.

To think otherwise, you can go ahead and do a conflationary job with the upshot 
that it is not someting Searle is arguing against.  And here you have to 
qualify the upshot by its being presented in a mode which suggests the 
contrary.  IOW, you are thinking of strong AI in a way which Searle isn't.  But 
sometimes it appears as if you want your formal programs and their causality in 
1st-order terms too.

I think the reason you think distinguishing 1st and 2nd-order properties 
pointless is because you are at every turn conflating them with the upshot that 
you're trying to have your cake and eat it too.  Peter Jones at Analytic was 
right to catch you harboring a position you were trying (unwittingly as it 
turns out) to argue against.

I just happen to think Searle's cake pretty good too.  What?  No more left?  
You Slob!!  ;-)


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