[wisb] Wyalusing SP this weekend

  • From: Chris West <little_blue_birdie@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "[Wisb]" <wisbirdn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 21:19:58 -0500

Hey everyone, 
I arrived back in the states on Monday evening after two and half weeks running 
around southern and central Peru.  In one word, Peru was amazing. I'm still 
working through the checklist, but def saw over 500 species in two weeks. Talk 
about insane! 
Back here at home, I was pleasantly surprised to find my yard full of Juncos, 
White-throated Sparrows and Yellow-rumped Warblers. 
Yesterday and today, I lead bird walks at Wyalusing State Park.  Yesterday was 
quiet, today even more so, but we managed to find a few things. Lots of 
Yellow-rumps and White-throated Sparrows around. Also a few Bluebirds and some 
Red-headed Woodpeckers. The Observatory still had Field Sparrows and a couple 
Clay-colored Sparrows as well. Spent quite a bit of time at Point Lookout. 
There were a lot of migrants moving along the bluff yesterday. Both Kinglets, 
Juncos, Orange-crowned Warbler and several others. 
The raptor flights both yesterday and today were surprisingly good considering 
the wind.  After the bird walks, I spent about 2-3 hours scoping raptors from 
the point. 
Yesterday saw about 50 or 60 Turkey Vultures, 30 some Broad-winged Hawks, 8 
Cooper's Hawks, 4 Sharp-shinned, 5 Merlins, 26 Red-tailed Hawks, 1 
Red-shouldered Hawk and 5 Bald Eagles. 
Today saw similar numbers of Vultures but closer to 50 Broad-wings (waaay up 
above the ridge), 3 Cooper's Hawks, 4 Sharp-shinned (including two that made 
close passes), 14 Red-tailed Hawks, 3 Eagles and 2 Merlins (one of which I 
picked up coming over the far ridge and watched as it headed straight at me and 
zoomed over my head). Not too bad.  Wish I could spend at least some time every 
day down there during raptor migration. Good potential for Swainson's, 
Ferruginous Hawks and Prairie Falcon there.

Heading up to the Woodson Art museum in Wausau tomorrow. Might swing by Buena 
Vista. Check for Le Conte's Sparrows. Til next time, 

Happy Birding! --Chris W, Back home (for now) in Richland County 

"The beauty and genius of a work of art may be reconceived, though its first 
material expression be destroyed; a vanished harmony may yet again inspire the 
composer; but when the last individual of a race of living things breathes no 
more, another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can be 

(From William Beebe's "The Bird: Its Form and Function," 1906)

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