[wisb] Milwaukee Coast Guard Impoundment Update

  • From: John H Idzikowski <idzikoj@xxxxxxx>
  • To: wisbirdn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 14:59:20 -0500 (CDT)

I finally spoke to the man in charge of the new well and water levels at the 
CGI associated with the new fill project-

The electric pumps that were installed last fall will be operated manually a 
few days after each rainfall that exceeds .5 inches- they do not want to add 
this volume to the Milwaukee storm sewer volume right away. They have no 
intention to keep the fill "dry" so the foot or so of water there now will 
continue along with all of the new dredgings.

Filling with dredgings from the KK River will begin via barges around June 1- 
note the custom cement mud slide just completed on the north wall- there is 
obviously a lot of money available for this fill project compared to previous 
fills when the mud slide was usually just a big piece of old sheet iron.

Do not walk on the north wall as previously and do not venture through the new 
cut in the fence near the Army Corp of Engineers sign north of the blue 
trailer. Workers have noticed the binocular and scope traffic, but they have 
had to chase only fishermen off of the north wall so far.


The grading and landscaping that was completed last fall made this area into an 
even uglier place than it was previously but we are also having one of our best 
tern/gull loafing and shorebird spring shows ever because of that work. Hud. 
Godwit, as recorded this morning are v rare in Milwaukee Co- there just isn't 
any place for them to stop. There were over 30 hendersoni Dows this morning as 
well which is also unusual and 2 Willet, Wilson's Phal and a second Piping 

I expect a great deal of new weed growth this summer, mostly smartweed and 
nettle on the higher mudflats. And it is not too difficult of a prediction that 
the show of shorebirds will continue well into mid June with a few lingering 
first summer birds present until the beginning of a great fall shorebird 
migration in mid July. It will be interesting to see if Spotted Sands which had 
become regular nesters here will be successful this year after all the grading. 
Unfortunately, the nearby Red-tailed pair failed this spring because of the 
loss of hunting habitat present at the old weedy CGI.

The best viewing spots right now are from the ArmyCorpEng sign north of the 
blue trailer and from the SW corner both from the west and the south sides. I 
would now walk the fence on the south side near the Ferry as well as the south 
and west edges of the Ferry lawn for sparrows, esp Sharp-tailed and LeConte's.

John I, Milwaukee

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  • » [wisb] Milwaukee Coast Guard Impoundment Update - John H Idzikowski